A Comprehensive Comparison of the Akai MPK Mini MK3 and the Launchkey Mini MK3

Aug 18, 2024

A Comprehensive Comparison of the Akai MPK Mini MK3 and the Launchkey Mini MK3

When it comes to compact MIDI controllers, the Akai MPK Mini MK3 and the Novation Launchkey Mini MK3 have emerged as two prominent contenders in the market. Each of these controllers offers unique features and functionalities that cater to different types of music producers and performers. In this article, we will conduct a thorough side-by-side comparison of these two keyboards to help you determine which one is the better fit for your musical needs.

Overview of the Controllers

Both the Akai MPK Mini MK3 and the Novation Launchkey Mini MK3 are mini MIDI keyboards designed for portability and versatility. They feature keys, pads, and knobs, offering a range of controls for music production. However, closer inspection reveals notable differences in their design, build quality, and functionalities.

Key Bed Comparison

At first glance, the key beds on both controllers appear similar, as they both utilize mini keys. However, the feel and construction of these key beds vary significantly. The Akai MPK Mini MK3 has received substantial improvements in its key bed design, offering a smoother travel experience and more responsive feel compared to previous models. This enhancement addresses critiques from users who found earlier iterations lacking.

In contrast, the key bed on the Launchkey Mini MK3 has a firmer feel with less travel distance. While both key beds are functional, users who prefer a more tactile experience may gravitate towards the MPK Mini MK3.

Build Quality and Design

The overall footprint of the two controllers is comparable, but the Launchkey Mini MK3 is slightly slimmer. The Akai MPK Mini MK3 feels more robust and has a greater weight to it, contributing to a sturdier build quality. The plastic construction of both devices is evident, but the Launchkey Mini has a noticeably more plasticky feel, while the MPK Mini MK3 offers a sense of durability.

In terms of height, the knobs and joystick on the MPK Mini MK3 add to its overall height, making it less travel-friendly. The joystick, while innovative, poses challenges for precise control during performances, as it can easily affect both pitch bend and modulation simultaneously.

Pitch Bend and Modulation Controls

The Launchkey Mini MK3 utilizes touch-sensitive pitch bend and modulation strips, which allow for more straightforward and precise control. Users can easily manipulate these controls without the risk of unintended adjustments.

On the other hand, the Akai MPK Mini MK3 features a joystick for pitch bend and modulation. While this design is unique, it can lead to complications during use, as users may inadvertently manipulate both axes. This can be frustrating when trying to achieve specific sound effects during live performances.

Knob Functionality

Both controllers come equipped with eight knobs, but they differ in their functionality. The Akai MPK Mini MK3 features endless encoders, allowing for continuous rotation without a stopping point. This is advantageous for keeping track of values in your software, as you won’t have to worry about aligning the physical knob position with the software.

Conversely, the Launchkey Mini MK3 features fixed-position knobs with visible markers. This means that users must manually adjust the knobs to match the software values, which can be less efficient.

An additional advantage of the Akai MPK Mini MK3 is that it includes a small display that shows the value of the knob, offering more convenience during music production.

Arpeggiator Features

Both controllers have built-in arpeggiators, but they differ in functionality. The Launchkey Mini MK3 includes additional features such as mutate and deviate functions, allowing users to easily alter arpeggiated sequences in interesting ways. These features can enhance creativity and provide a deeper level of interaction with your music.

While the Akai MPK Mini MK3 also has a functional arpeggiator, it requires more manual adjustments to sync with the DAW's tempo and lacks the robust features found in the Launchkey Mini MK3.

Pad Comparison

One of the most significant differences between the two controllers is in their pad configurations. The Launchkey Mini MK3 features 16 RGB pads, while the Akai MPK Mini MK3 has eight traditional MPC-style pads. The RGB pads on the Launchkey Mini provide visual feedback based on the track colors in your DAW, enhancing user experience and workflow.

The sensitivity and responsiveness of the pads also differ; the pads on the Launchkey Mini are generally more forgiving, allowing for a broader range of velocity response. The Akai MPK Mini pads require a firmer touch, which might not be ideal for all users.

Despite having fewer pads, the MPK Mini compensates with features like a full-level button for maximum velocity and a note repeat function, which allows for rapid note triggering.

Workflow Functionality

For users working in Ableton Live, the Launchkey Mini MK3 offers a significant advantage with its workflow functionality tailored for the DAW. The controller includes transport controls, clip launching, and session view navigation, making it an excellent choice for live performance and studio work.

In contrast, the Akai MPK Mini MK3 lacks dedicated transport controls, which means users will need to rely on their mouse or supplementary controllers to navigate their DAW. This limitation can hinder workflow efficiency, especially for those who prefer a streamlined production process.

Both controllers support custom mappings, but the Launchkey Mini's integration with Ableton Live is designed to allow for seamless interaction, making it the preferred choice for Ableton users.

Software Inclusives

Software compatibility is another factor to consider when choosing between these two controllers. The Launchkey Mini MK3 comes with Ableton Live Lite, providing users with a solid foundation for music production right out of the box. Additionally, it includes a suite of sounds and plugins that enhance its value.

On the other hand, the Akai MPK Mini MK3 includes MPC Beats software, which, while functional, does not have the same level of recognition or user base as Ableton Live. For those who are already familiar with and invested in Ableton, the Launchkey Mini MK3 may be the more appealing option.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, both the Akai MPK Mini MK3 and the Novation Launchkey Mini MK3 are capable and portable MIDI controllers, each with its strengths and weaknesses. If you prioritize workflow efficiency, particularly with Ableton Live, the Launchkey Mini MK3 is the clear winner thanks to its transport controls and arpeggiator features.

Conversely, if you value a more robust build quality and endless encoders for knobs, the Akai MPK Mini MK3 may be the better choice. Ultimately, your decision should be based on your specific needs, workflow preferences, and the type of music you plan to create.

Whichever controller you choose, both offer excellent features to support your music production journey, and you won't go wrong with either option. Happy music making!

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