Creating a Music Video Using AI Tools: A Step-by-Step Guide

Jul 14, 2024

Creating a Music Video Using AI Tools: A Step-by-Step Guide


In this fun and engaging tutorial, we’ll walk you through the exciting process of creating a brand-new song and music video using various AI tools. This step-by-step guide will ensure you can replicate the entire process and create your unique music video. Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Generating the Song

Using Suno for Song Creation

To begin with, we need a song. For this, we’ll use a tool called Suno. Suno allows free use for up to 25 generations per month. You can access it by visiting and clicking the "try the beta on Discord" button. This will redirect you to their Discord channel, where you can generate songs in various active rooms.

For a more private experience, you can message the Chirp bot directly. Ensure your direct messages are enabled in the Suno Discord room to allow this functionality. Once set up, you can start generating your song by typing /chirp and describing the style of music you want to create.

Generating Lyrics with ChatGPT

For this example, we chose a Bluegrass style and used ChatGPT to write lyrics about how AI is fun, even if it might take over the world someday. After submitting the request, we received two song versions. We preferred the second version and decided to extend it by having ChatGPT continue the lyrics.

Combining Song Clips

After generating the song clips, we combined our favorite parts into one longer clip using Suno’s tool. We then downloaded the final song as an MP4 file and converted it to an MP3 using

Step 2: Creating the Music Video

Tools for Video Creation

Now that we have our song, the next step is to create a music video. We used three different tools for this purpose: Kyber, Plasma Punk, and D Coherence. Each tool has its unique features and free trial options.

1. Kyber

Kyber offers various pricing plans and a seven-day free trial for the $5/month plan. We uploaded our song, chose a video style (oil painting), and set the aspect ratio to 16:9. We then generated a video of a farm operated by futuristic farmer robots.

2. Plasma Punk

Plasma Punk also has a free tier, allowing unlimited video creation up to one minute long. We uploaded our song, chose the Stable Diffusion XL model for image generation, and selected a colorful photo-realistic style. The video was based on the song lyrics.

3. D Coherence

D Coherence offers a one-time free trial with 300 credits. We created a 16:9 video, uploaded our song, and described the scenes we wanted. The tool allows detailed customization of effects and styles, making it highly versatile.

Generating and Combining Videos

We generated videos using all three tools. The Kyber video depicted a farm, the Plasma Punk video had psychedelic visuals, and the D Coherence video featured a guitar player in a futuristic city. We then combined the best parts of each video into one coherent music video using DaVinci Resolve.

Step 3: Editing the Final Video

Using DaVinci Resolve

DaVinci Resolve is a powerful video editing tool that is free to use. We imported our three videos into DaVinci Resolve, aligned them based on the audio waveform, and creatively edited them to jump between different visuals. This process involved chopping and merging clips to create a seamless final product.

Final Music Video

Here’s the final music video created by combining the outputs from Kyber, Plasma Punk, and D Coherence. Enjoy the result of our AI-powered creativity!

[Music Video Link]


Creating a music video using AI tools is a fun and rewarding experience. By following this guide, you can generate unique songs and visually stunning videos, showcasing the incredible capabilities of AI. All the tools mentioned offer free trials, making it accessible for anyone to try.

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Thank you for following along. Stay tuned for more fun experiments with AI!

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