Getting Your AI-Generated Music Published on Spotify: A Comprehensive Guide

Jun 30, 2024

Getting Your AI-Generated Music Published on Spotify: A Comprehensive Guide

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the advent of AI-driven tools has revolutionized the way we create and consume music. Among these groundbreaking tools, MakeBestMusic stands out, particularly with its latest version, V3 Alpha. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the new features of MakeBestMusic V3, how to harness its power to generate music, and ultimately, how to get your AI-generated tracks published on Spotify.

Exploring MakeBestMusic V3 Alpha

MakeBestMusic V3 Alpha introduces several enhancements that make it a standout tool for generative music. The latest features include:

  • Extended Max Clip Length: Now up to 2 minutes.
  • Faster Song Generation: Speeds up the creation process.
  • Dedicated Instrumental Support: Easily generate instrumentals with a simple switch.
  • Expanded Language Support: Supports multiple languages.
  • Continue from Anywhere: Allows you to pick up where you left off.
  • Backward Compatibility: Works with songs created in V2.

However, it is important to note that V3 Alpha is still under development. Users may encounter issues such as difficulty in following specific prompts like key signatures and BPM, and the songs might not always sound perfectly mixed and mastered. Despite these challenges, the potential of V3 Alpha to redefine generative music is significant.

Using MakeBestMusic V3 Alpha to Generate Music

Generating music with MakeBestMusic V3 Alpha is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Login to MakeBestMusic: Access your account and navigate to the V3 Alpha features.
  2. Create a New Track: Click on the 'Create' button. You will see options for custom mode, song description, and the new instrumental feature.
  3. Select the V3 Alpha Model: Ensure you select the V3 Alpha for your music generation.
  4. Choose Your Genre: Experiment with various genres like funky rock, trap, death metal, and more.
  5. Generate and Preview: MakeBestMusic V3 Alpha generates tracks quickly. You can preview the tracks in real-time as they are being generated.

Example: Generating a Funky Rock Track

To create a funky rock track, select the instrumental option and choose V3 Alpha. The generation process is fast, and you’ll have your track ready in no time.

**Funky Rock Track Generation Example:**

1. Choose the genre: Funky Rock
2. Select instrumental option
3. Generate and preview the track


Publishing Your AI-Generated Music on Spotify

Once you have created your tracks using MakeBestMusic, the next step is to publish them on Spotify. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Get a DistroKid Account

To publish music on Spotify, you need a DistroKid account. DistroKid is a music distribution service that allows you to upload your tracks to various platforms, including Spotify, iTunes, and more.

  • Sign Up for DistroKid: Use the link provided for a 7% discount on your first year.
  • Premium Feature: Note that DistroKid requires a yearly subscription.

Step 2: Upload Your Track

In your DistroKid dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Upload: Select 'Upload Music'.
  2. Upload Your Song: Choose the song you created with MakeBestMusic V3 Alpha.
  3. Fill in the Details: Enter song details such as title, artist name, release date, genres, and language.
  4. Create Album Cover: The recommended size is 3000x3000 pixels. You can use tools like Stable Diffusion and Photoshop to create and customize your album cover.
  5. Upload the Track: Drag and drop your song file into the designated area.

Step 3: Finalize and Publish

  • Verify and Check All Boxes: Read and confirm all mandatory fields.
  • Submit for Distribution: Click verify and submit your track for distribution.

It typically takes 2-3 days for your track to go live on Spotify. Once live, you can share it with your audience and even monetize it through streams.

Example: Uploading a Track to DistroKid

**Example Steps for Uploading a Track:**

1. Click on 'Upload Music'
2. Select 'One Song'
3. Fill in details (title, artist name, release date, genres, language)
4. Create and upload album cover
5. Drag and drop the song file
6. Verify and submit

Benefits of Publishing on Spotify

Publishing your AI-generated music on Spotify offers several benefits:

  • Monetization: Earn money from streams.
  • Protection: Ensure your work is protected when used as background music in videos.
  • Exposure: Reach a global audience and potentially create something that resonates with listeners.


The integration of AI in music creation is an exciting development, and tools like MakeBestMusic V3 Alpha are at the forefront of this innovation. By leveraging these tools, you can create unique tracks and share them with the world through platforms like Spotify. Remember, it's not just about hitting the charts but expressing yourself and protecting your creative work. So, dive in, experiment with different genres, and let your AI-generated music shine.

If you found this guide helpful, don’t forget to like, subscribe, and comment. Happy music-making!

Additional Resources


"The future of music is here, and it’s powered by AI. Embrace the possibilities and let your creativity soar." - AI Controversy

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