Song Structure and AI Generation Guide

Jun 19, 2024

Song Structure and AI Generation Guide

MakeBestMusic will select the appropriate vocal type based on the style and lyrics prompts we input. For example, if you choose the hip-hop style, it will usually generate a male voice with an urban feel; if you choose the country style, it may have a strong country accent. Jazz style often uses magnetic female voices, and pop music uses more female lead singers.

We can also directly describe the language and gender of the voice in the prompt words, such as "deep bass", "female narration", etc. However, this method is not always reliable and requires multiple attempts.

MakeBestMusic still has some limitations in vocal generation, such as it is difficult to generate children's voices, and the regional accents of some languages ​​are also difficult to capture.

Verse and Chorus


Verses usually have a rhythmic and intonational feel, with less lyrical emotion. They carry the narrative of the song forward, creating a coherent storyline throughout the piece.


Compared to the verse, the chorus usually has a richer melody and stronger energy. It serves as the "hook" of the song, creating a deliberate and emotional impact when it repeats.

Song Structure

A song's structure is not limited to verses and choruses; it includes many other important parts. We can use MakeBestMusic's various structure tags to finely control and optimize the overall composition.


An intro is typically a short prelude meant to capture the listener's attention. However, MakeBestMusic's generated intros are not very reliable, so we can try using the [Short Instrumental Intro] tag to create a concise prelude with AI.


A hook is a catchy, repetitive melody or phrase. We can add the [Catchy Hook] tag in the lyrics to prompt MakeBestMusic to generate such a hook. Repeating hooks can enhance the song's stickiness and memorability.


A break is a section where the main melody or vocals pause, and the instrumental part plays independently. This abrupt pause adds variation and tension to the song. We can use tags like [Break] or [Percussion Break] to guide MakeBestMusic in creating distinctive breaks.


An interlude is a short musical segment used to connect different parts of the song, usually performed with instruments only. It helps the song transition smoothly and enhances overall cohesion. We can add tags like [Melodic Interlude] to request a melodious interlude from MakeBestMusic.


An outro is the ending part of the song, providing a sense of transition and extension to the entire work. We can use the [Outro] tag to have MakeBestMusic generate a natural transition to the end. This outro can fade out or repeat the chorus, giving a lingering feeling.


We can also use the [Refrain] tag to prompt MakeBestMusic to repeat a catchy theme melody or lyrics in the ending part. This approach makes the ending more powerful and climactic.

[Big Finish]

Using the [Big Finish] tag, MakeBestMusic can change the melody or rhythm at the end, creating a dramatic, climactic finish.


Compared to the transitional nature of the outro, the [End] tag indicates a clean, decisive end. We can use tags like [End], [Fade Out], or [Fade to End] to instruct MakeBestMusic to create a clean finish without extensive outro treatment.


A pre-chorus is a transitional section between the verse and chorus. It usually doesn’t follow the verse's rhythm and structure but creates suspense and anticipation, leading to the chorus.

In MakeBestMusic-generated lyrics, pre-choruses sometimes appear without labels, resulting in awkward transitions. We can manually add the [Pre-Chorus] tag to clearly indicate to MakeBestMusic that this is a special transitional section that should be performed differently.


A bridge typically appears in the middle of the song, breaking the verse-chorus pattern and shifting to a new melody and lyrical direction. The bridge adds surprise and tension, enhancing the song's drama. We can add the [Bridge] tag to the lyrics to guide MakeBestMusic in generating a creative bridge section.

In addition to directly using the [Bridge] tag, we can also try adding more descriptive tags like [Shout], [Whimsical], [Melancholy], etc., to further guide MakeBestMusic in creating distinct and characteristic bridge sections.