The Future of Music Creation with AI

Jul 10, 2024

The Future of Music Creation with AI


In recent years, the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and music has sparked significant debate. As a musician with over 15 years of experience in songwriting and touring, I find myself in a unique position to discuss the future of music creation. The evolution of AI music generation is complex, stirring a mix of excitement and concern among musicians and listeners alike.

The AI Music Generation Process

The process of creating music with AI isn't as straightforward as one might think. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just about inputting some prompts into a machine and having it produce a perfect song. Platforms like allow users to generate free music by either providing lyrics or requesting a song on a specific topic. However, the true complexity lies in the lyrical aspect.

For instance, I recently wrote a set of lyrics filled with personal emotions and experiences. I then input these lyrics into the AI, which generated several versions of the song. After approximately 20 minutes of sifting through these versions, I found one that resonated deeply with me. This version felt like it captured how my lyrics were meant to be sung, prompting me to add more lyrics and further refine the song.

Emotional Connection to AI-Generated Music

When I listened to the AI-generated song, it was more than just a collection of notes and words. It was imbued with emotion, something that genuinely surprised me. The AI had managed to breathe life into my lyrics, singing them back to me with an emotional depth that I hadn't anticipated.

Here are some lyrics from the song:

"Hey there, familiar your taste I recognize, I remember you that feeling and that look that's in your eyes. I know that feeling, I can feel it in my skin. It's been a long but I would recognize you everywhere I've been..."

This song, created through a blend of my human creativity and AI technology, highlighted a significant issue: the emotional ownership of music. While the lyrics were mine, the AI's rendition felt like it added a new layer of emotional interpretation. This raised questions about the authenticity and ownership of AI-generated music.

The Authenticity Dilemma

One of the most pressing concerns with AI-generated music is the question of authenticity. When an AI sings my lyrics back to me in a way that speaks to my emotions, it complicates my relationship with my own creation. Although I could perform the song live with a guitar and keyboard backing, the AI's version still lingers in my mind, influencing how I perceive and present the song.

This dilemma extends to the broader music industry. When we listen to songs on the radio, we often don't consider the numerous contributors behind the scenes. AI-generated music introduces another layer of complexity, as the lines between human and machine contributions blur.

Ownership and Usage Rights

A crucial question arises: do I own the song if it was partially created by AI? According to platforms like, I can use the generated music for any purpose. However, the sense of ownership feels diluted, as the song is a collaborative creation between me and the AI. This situation is reminiscent of using cheat codes in a video game – it simplifies the process but leaves a lingering sense of inauthenticity.

The Future of Music Creation

Looking ahead, the future of music creation appears to be at a crossroads. On one hand, AI could lead to a homogenization of music, where songs become increasingly generic. On the other hand, it could usher in an era of vibrant creativity, where musicians leverage AI to explore new styles and push creative boundaries.

Regardless of the direction, transparency and honesty will be paramount. As musicians, we must be upfront about our use of AI in music creation. This honesty not only maintains trust with our audience but also fosters a nuanced understanding of the evolving landscape of music.


The integration of AI in music creation is both exciting and daunting. It challenges our traditional notions of authenticity, ownership, and creativity. As we navigate this new terrain, it’s essential to remain honest and transparent about our use of AI. By doing so, we can embrace the potential of AI while staying true to the emotional essence of music.

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